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Set up your local development environment

If you're ready to start building, it's time to choose your stack.
Here are the tools and frameworks you can use to help you build your Ethereum application.

Frameworks and pre-made stacks

We recommend picking a framework, particularly if you're just getting started. Building a full-fledged dapp requires different pieces of technology. Frameworks include many of the needed features or provide easy plugin systems to pick the tools you desire.

These frameworks come with a lot of out-of-the-box functionality, like:

  • Features to spin up a local blockchain instance.
  • Utilities to compile and test your smart contracts.
  • Client development add-ons to build your user-facing application within the same project/repository.
  • Configuration to connect to Ethereum networks and deploy contracts, whether to a locally running instance, or one of Ethereum's public networks.
  • Decentralized app distribution - integrations with storage options like IPFS.
Illustration of blocks being organized like an ETH symbol