Token Standards
One of the many Ethereum development standards focus on token interfaces. These standards help ensure smart contracts remain composable, so for instance when a new project issues a token, that it remains compatible with existing decentralized exchanges.
Token standards
Here are some of the most popular token standards on Ethereum:
- ERC-20 - A standard interface for fungible (interchangeable) tokens, like voting tokens, staking tokens or virtual currencies.
- ERC-721 - A standard interface for non-fungible tokens, like a deed for artwork or a song.
- ERC-777 - ERC-777 allows people to build extra functionality on top of tokens such as a mixer contract for improved transaction privacy or an emergency recover function to bail you out if you lose your private keys.
Further reading
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Related tutorials
- Token integration checklist – A checklist of things to consider when interacting with tokens.
- Understand the ERC20 token smart contract – An introduction to deploying your first smart contract on an Ethereum test network.
- Transfers and approval of ERC20 tokens from a Solidity smart contract – How to use a smart contract to interact with a token using the Solidity language.
- Implementing an ERC721 market [a how-to guide] – How to put tokenized items for sale on a decentralized classifieds board.
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