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Ethereum for Python Developers

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Use Ethereum to create decentralized applications (or "dapps") that utilize the benefits of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. These dapps can be trustworthy, meaning that once they are deployed to Ethereum, they will always run as programmed. They can control digital assets in order to create new kinds of financial applications. They can be decentralized, meaning that no single entity or person controls them and are nearly impossible to censor.

Getting Started with Smart Contracts and the Solidity Language

Take your first steps to integrating Python with Ethereum

Need a more basic primer first? Check out ethereum.org/learn or ethereum.org/developers.

Beginner articles

Intermediate Articles

Advanced Use Patterns

Python Projects and Tools

  • Brownie - Python framework for deploying, testing and interacting with Ethereum smart contracts
  • eth-utils - utility functions for working with Ethereum related codebases
  • py-evm - implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine
  • py-solc-x - Python wrapper around the solc solidity compiler with 0.5.x support
  • py-wasm - Python implementation of the web assembly interpreter
  • pydevp2p - Implementation of the Ethereum P2P stack
  • pymaker - Python API for Maker contracts
  • Mamba - framework to write, compile, and deploy smart contracts written in Vyper language
  • Trinity - Ethereum Python client
  • Vyper - Pythonic Smart Contract Language for the EVM
  • Web3.py - Python library for interacting with Ethereum

Looking for more resources? Check out ethereum.org/developers.

Python Community Contributors

Other Aggregated Lists

The Vyper wiki has an incredible list of resources for Vyper
For a compiled source of Python related tools, check out py-eth.com.

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